The offical rules for GGG3
If you discover a way to exploit or abuse any feature in GGG3 and report it to me in the discord server in in DM's, you may be eligible for a reward. Depending on the nature and impact of the exploit, I may reward you with Robux or in-game currency at my discretion. Both Luk and I have prior experience as exploiters and understand the dynamics of exploiting, so we encourage transparency and fair play to improve the game for everyone.
-Sincerely, Zeus_gameover
1. Follow roblox TOS
2. Play fair, dont exploit or abuse bugs unless in a private server
3. Don't beg for admin, if you want admin buy a private server
4. Dont share personal information in chat
5. have fun, this is not a competitive game its a game to mess around in and have a good time.
Website developed by Zeus_gameover